Friday, July 25, 2008


Since some days, I feel genuinely concerned about the climate.......and the spiraling oil prices for that matter........Its not that I have been doing something actively for that sake but I still feel for it.......What would be the general reaction of the public and governments worldwide if we got up one fine day in the morning and find all oil sources depleted??????? Scary huh.......But I find it hard to change myself..........I still keep my comp switched on when I leave my office shutting down just the monitor............the other day, I was actually appalled by the sheer number of polythene bags my mom maintained..........Sometimes I think where is all of these oil actually coming from?????? All these trucks, all vehicles and what not consume enormous amounts of oil.........Man is heading for a doom for sure but we are simply expediting the process.........Now I don't wanna sound like a cranky conservationalist but I don't think I can help it...........May be something is wrong with my outlook.........May be something is severely wrong in the very thought that I can not do anything about it............Why is it still the case that I would prefer a petrol driven car rather than a fuel cell driven car any given day????????? Why do I still dream of owning a car at all???????? Would our future generation still be able to enjoy winters curled up in their blankets with a mug of hot coffee??????? Damn it.......who cares.........I will drag on till 55 odd years more and till then every thing is just gonna be fine............How can I actually change this outlook of mine??????????? CLUELESS............just random conflicting thoughts.......... :-) :-)

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