Friday, April 25, 2008


As life progresses, I have always felt that the definition of a best friend and the corresponding personification of that entity has kept on changing........Who exactly has been my best friend and what have they done to actually deserve that place in my life even if for a fleeting second really appear a mystery to me as I sat thinking or rather contemplating since I accidentally visited the orkut profile of one of my old school friends.......I remember there were two guys when I was merely in standard 3...........we were so good friends that I remember thinking that I must have been related to them in some way in the previous of them joined at NIT RKL as my junior, same branch and the other, after a gap of many years, met on Orkut and since then we have rarely talked...........I remember meeting friends on Orkut after at least a gap of 10+ years...........but forget about those people since they hardly ever qualified as my best friend........But then came the phase after 10th..........the +2 phase.........when most of my troubles arose due to my "so-called" friends or rather best friends..........Mama used to say friends come and go but by then I was pretty much sure that I had actually made some friends for life.........but then again, that was not supposed to be the case..........those friends came and went causing the maximum damage so far as totally shattering my faith on the institution called friendship.........then came NIT RKL where I again made a decent group of friends in the 1st year itself and again thought to myself that wow........this must be friendship...........these must be my best friends........only to be left behind with an irreversibly broken faith again..........I remember a time had come when I used to contemplate that although I have lots and lots of friends around me I never had a best friend till date............then came the phase of 3rd year and 4th year when new people stepped into my life again.............u know like God sends good people in the end to restore your belief in something that had been lost.............I still cherish those friends.............Although work has forced us to stay in different cities, still they were and are still friends............And just when I had been out of college and in a different city starting work, away from the friends who had restored my belief in friendship...............God finally sent someone to my life who actually showed me how beautiful life can be with life was so hollow without her now that I come to think of it...........She thus was, is and always will be my best friend...........I really wish to forget all those people who had caused me terrible pains coming in the guise of my friends.........let me just have the people around me who could restore my faith in friends in the 3rd and final year of college...........friends forever................and my honey...............devoted my entire life to truest and best friend till life was indeed hollow without u.............


Richa Ritwika said...

Nice write up. I really dont in the funda of best friends. For me there friends whom we just say hi-bye, then there are friends with whom we share about some interesting days happening and then the close friends with whom we share our heart feelings. I guess these close friends are the people who are called best friends. The most important thing be it any relation make sure you both are friends, this will make the relation good. :)

I can write more on friendship but maybe I will pen down a separate blog on this. As of now this are some thoughts which I share as comments.


Hi PG,
Where you were hovering for some days now I am there.
Have lost the believe about the word Friend.Anyway now just spending my time with my friends @ parents and CAT.

Frankly speaking your this portion of your blog attracted me at first sight.Read it.Well written.Enjoy your life with your best friend.