Saturday, March 14, 2009


Does it always take a crisis to reinforce one's faith in God???? I always believed I had a symbiotic relationship with God....The live and let live types........But why does it happen that I am fervently praying to God to relieve me of the crisis I am facing now???? Why do I have the knack of disturbing God only when I am faced with a crisis???? As far as I remember, I have never turned to him for answers....My conscience and my parents were always reliable and readily available....So why is it that I am disturbing God now???? Asking him questions whose answers I can get with a little bit of a patience???? Does God listen to people like me???? Am I categorically selfish???? Or is it that I am just human???? Does every human being behave in the same way???? Is he happy and confident about life and does not bother God only till the time God throws a crisis on his face to bring back the belief after which he starts bugging God with numerous questions, pleas for help etc.???? Why don't we ever find ready made answers regarding our future???? Why can't we get our hands on a fast forward button for our life???? That brings us to another question here....would life be half as exciting as it is now if we actually do get a remote control for it???? Why don't I have peace left in my life anymore???? Why is it that I have been postponing a lot of happiness for future mirages???? Will I find light at the end of the tunnel???? Or will I be warped into the abyss of my own despair and gloom???? Only time and God have the answers I guess........

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