Saturday, March 28, 2009


Is growing up actually mandatory???? Do we have a choice???? Come to think of it, why shouldn't we have a choice???? We say that we can change the course of our lives........then why don't we have a choice when it comes to growing up???? Are responsibilities a given when we grow up???? Why can't we give someone else the responsibilities and just peacefully spend time with the people we love???? Why does life always have to be a hurried race???? Why does life have to be so full of worries and problems???? Why doesn't the smallest of the tasks get done without any glitches???? Why does Murphy Uncle come to the picture just when you thought that everything was going to be fine????

P:S: I converted IMI some days ago....So it is finally BYE BYE IBM........Gives me some much coveted solace........

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