Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Conviction....

They say that in the long run. its your conviction that counts......How very true........After a long period, I finally have found my true calling.........Every day I get back from work now, I keep on saying to myself that "This job is not for me......What am I doing here????? I am neither doing anything meaningful nor am I doing something I am interested in........nor am I getting paid a hefty sum.......Then why the f**k am I here????????" The level of dedication and the mind set I have managed to achieve for the CAT and for getting into the IIMs is truly unparalleled till date......Wish I could have at least put in so much of an interest while trying to get into the IITs.........Now I realise, I deefinitely could have done it.........But its not much of a problem as such..........Life is still giving me one more chance to level things up...........To regain the ball back in my court.........To get at par or exceed my peers from whom I always felt inferior somewhere deep inside of my mind.............But I will not let that happen again............Not anymore..............And all the more, I have already shown someone a lot of dreams of a happy life, full of riches and love, comfortable, cosy and now I cannot afford to break it...........I cannot afford to bring a tear to those eyes who love me a lot.............who believe in me............The time is now and the place is here............Its me who HAS to do it.............A year of rigor for the best future I can dream for myself and I am willing to sacrifice any of my ethereal, temporary joys for it.........

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