Friday, December 14, 2007


In the days gone by, I had often heard about the term JOB DISSATISFACTION……..Then, I had been wondering to myself, why do people get “DISSATISFIED” with their jobs????? The pay was good, the organization had a great legacy behind it……..Then what was it that made people quit their jobs even if everything was supposedly utopian???? Well there I said it………..Now I gave the answer myself………..The fact was that all that was really utopian………….Going by the Encarta English Dictionary, all of that was really admirable but impractical in real life…………I agree that the word doesn’t quite suit the context very well as utopian is typically something desirable but I am describing something that is the very opposite of that…………but its my blog and I can use any word to describe anything right???? Come on man………I had nothing to choose in my life…………no options were given to me………at least give me the freedom to choose the words in my blog, however out of context they may be……….The whole thing is impractical because there comes a time in your life when you realize that you can’t continue doing whatever you are doing all your life just because you weren’t meant to do that……….I am describing a scenario where you can do whatever you are doing if you practice diligently for some months but you don’t want to cast yourself into that mould………Just because of the fact that you don’t like what you are doing but you have to keep on doing it time and again………..regularly……….just to earn your bread and butter…………just because of the fact that some people around you are expecting to do it…………..So the entire thing really becomes utopian…………in a very negative sense……….I now realize the meaning of “JOB DISSATISFACTION” fully just because…………well because of the fact that I am having it right now…………..

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