Saturday, December 29, 2007


We have taken up a house in the 4th C Cross, Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore……A typical upscale type colony in the northern part……….After a late morning today, I go grab some lunch, call up my colleagues and learn that none of them are going to the office today to study for the big day ahead……….A day when apparently our “Career” at IBM will be decided………..After lunch, I watched The Terminal and Forrest Gump in bits and pieces and then the photocopied notes of Core Java brought some hours of peaceful sleep onto me………Waking up to the melodious voice of my sweetheart was the best part of the day……..God, I miss her so much……………….I am so much in love…….Why the hell are you giving me this sort of a torture God………Then lighting up a smoke, I walk up to the balcony where I see some children playing on the street ………It pulled me back into a time warp………bringing back memories of my childhood, the small street of our colony, the regular cricket games just as the clock struck 4 in the afternoon, the varied ages of the children playing right from Class 8th to B.A………….The rules that had to be agreed upon by all, the 2 hours of carefree joy, the coming back to home at exactly 6 pm in the evening, the washing of the hands and feet, the religious prayers of sincere piety (now that part is debatable………frankly, I just prayed because mom had made it mandatory…………I had never been that much of a religious person but definitely superstitious back then………..), the snacks of hot Maggi, the cartoons after that and the diligent studies till 9 pm or 9:30 pm……….The peaceful dinner after that and then sleep………..Life definitely had been good then……….So carefree, so unburdened by all the worries, responsibilities and troubles of life………May be the practicalities of life had not begun to set in…………Now, life has hit me hard in the face showing how difficult it is to actually face it………How difficult it is to actually take up responsibilities, how difficult it is actually to answer people, to own up to whatever you have done……….Its like the mercy that people actually show towards you goes on progressively reducing as you grow older…………The world definitely grows meaner to you as you keep growing up…………And to add insult to injury, we have to stay at a place so far away from friends just because our office is located in such an area of Bangalore that is on the upward curve of development……..And my soul is even farther from me at a totally different city……….May be I have to get back to the Core Java now…………….

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